Public Servants
Public Servants serve the Private Sovereigns who, having formed
the institution of a freely-elected unincorporated government for the
benefit of the People, are governed by their consent.
The institution of a freely-elected government automatically forms a Trust in Common Law, with the People as Beneficiaries, and their Public Servants as Trustees. The Public Servants have a Fiduciary Duty to serve the Beneficiaries of the Trust.
Many Public Servants swear a Oath of Office to serve “according to law”, which is the de jure Common Law, also know as the “Law of the Land”. Public Servants do not swear an Oath to serve in de facto Admiralty Maritime commerce, also known as the “Law of the Sea”. However, members of the private Bar Association swear an Oath to serve the Bar Association, which presents a conflict of interest in matters of government and justice. This subversion of the Common Law courts supports the crime of “personage”, knowingly representing a living man or woman as a legal fiction – a form of corporation, such as an “artificial person”, trust, public utility, or foundation. “Personage” is committed by deceptively “mirroring” the NAME, causing unwitting “joinder” to a legal fiction, and it is perpetuated by “barratry”, the crime of bringing false claims in court. The term “barratry”, appropriately, comes from the “Bar Association”.
Your Public Servants include all Officers of the Law. Most frontline “Police Officers”, however, perform two roles:
As Peace Officers they swear an Oath of Office to keep the peace “according to law”, which is the de jure Common Law Jurisdiction, also known as the “Law of the Land”. As such, they have a Fiduciary Duty to serve and protect the living people. Peace Officers swear an Oath of Office to “keep the peace”, and are protected by a Public Bond, having Limited liability.
As Policy Officers they enforce statutes, which prescribe the legal terms and conditions of contracts with penalties etc., in the de facto Admiralty Maritime Jurisdiction, also known as the “Law of the Sea”. This role dominates their training and time. Policy Officers do NOT swear an Oath to “enforce statutes”, and are NOT protected by a Public Bond, having Unlimited full commercial liability.
The police cannot stop you, question you, detain you, arrest you, search you, or charge you, without your consent, if there is no victim. Ultimately, the “administrative courts” cannot fine you or imprison you without your consent. But if at any point you “understand” (stand under their authority), agree to anything, or give them the artificial legal “person” NAME, you are consenting.
1. Consensual, in which you are free to leave at any time.
2. Detention/Seizure/Arrest, in which you are held by “an assertion of authority”, or by physical restraint, against your will.
In any detention/seizure/arrest the “Peace Officer” MUST have “probable cause” and/or a “reasonable suspicion” that you are committing, or are about to commit, a CRIME against a victim. The accuser bears the burden of proof to reasonably establish your CRIME.
In any detention/seizure/arrest the “Police Officer” MUST establish that you are “acting” in “joinder” to an artificial legal "person" NAME created by the State and controlled by statutes. The Officer bears the burden of establishing your freely given CONSENT.
A “Police Officer” who stops you in the course of your lawful business, without your consent, or “articulable probable cause”, is assailing you.
1. Identify your assailant, their motive and jurisdiction.
2. Require verification of a CRIME (no crime = no jurisdiction).
You have the Right not to be “arbitrarily” stopped, detained or arrested [by chance, whim, or impulse]. There must be an “articulable” and “reasonable suspicion” that you are involved in a CRIME against a VICTIM, and a WITNESS [can be a “Peace Officer”] with first-hand knowledge and evidence who is willing to write an affidavit under penalty of perjury and full commercial liability, making the accusation of the crime. You have the Right not to answer questions. You have the Right not to provide government issued ID. You have the Right to ASK QUESTIONS.
See Rebut the Presumption
The institution of a freely-elected government automatically forms a Trust in Common Law, with the People as Beneficiaries, and their Public Servants as Trustees. The Public Servants have a Fiduciary Duty to serve the Beneficiaries of the Trust.
Many Public Servants swear a Oath of Office to serve “according to law”, which is the de jure Common Law, also know as the “Law of the Land”. Public Servants do not swear an Oath to serve in de facto Admiralty Maritime commerce, also known as the “Law of the Sea”. However, members of the private Bar Association swear an Oath to serve the Bar Association, which presents a conflict of interest in matters of government and justice. This subversion of the Common Law courts supports the crime of “personage”, knowingly representing a living man or woman as a legal fiction – a form of corporation, such as an “artificial person”, trust, public utility, or foundation. “Personage” is committed by deceptively “mirroring” the NAME, causing unwitting “joinder” to a legal fiction, and it is perpetuated by “barratry”, the crime of bringing false claims in court. The term “barratry”, appropriately, comes from the “Bar Association”.
Your Public Servants include all Officers of the Law. Most frontline “Police Officers”, however, perform two roles:
As Peace Officers they swear an Oath of Office to keep the peace “according to law”, which is the de jure Common Law Jurisdiction, also known as the “Law of the Land”. As such, they have a Fiduciary Duty to serve and protect the living people. Peace Officers swear an Oath of Office to “keep the peace”, and are protected by a Public Bond, having Limited liability.
As Policy Officers they enforce statutes, which prescribe the legal terms and conditions of contracts with penalties etc., in the de facto Admiralty Maritime Jurisdiction, also known as the “Law of the Sea”. This role dominates their training and time. Policy Officers do NOT swear an Oath to “enforce statutes”, and are NOT protected by a Public Bond, having Unlimited full commercial liability.
“Police Officers” are either
“on duty”, under Oath, and “in the public”, or “off duty”,
not under Oath, and “in the private”. Conducting private commerce
for YOURNATION (INC.) in Admiralty Maritime Jurisdiction is not part
of the sworn duty of a “Police Officer”. An Officer conducting
private commerce in support of the debt-money system of bonded
debtism can be described as a private mercenary abdicating their
“Police Officers”, or Policy Enforcement Officers, have NO JURISDICTION over any living, breathing man or woman unless that man or woman consents to that jurisdiction.
All legal jurisdiction over a man or woman requires their consent, and so all presentments from of a “Police Officer” are a “service” offered by “consent”.
“Police Officers”, or Policy Enforcement Officers, have NO JURISDICTION over any living, breathing man or woman unless that man or woman consents to that jurisdiction.
All legal jurisdiction over a man or woman requires their consent, and so all presentments from of a “Police Officer” are a “service” offered by “consent”.
“It's important for
us to know what people think of our service - in
New Zealand we police
by consent
and cannot afford to lose the support of the people we
serve.” (emphasis
The police cannot stop you, question you, detain you, arrest you, search you, or charge you, without your consent, if there is no victim. Ultimately, the “administrative courts” cannot fine you or imprison you without your consent. But if at any point you “understand” (stand under their authority), agree to anything, or give them the artificial legal “person” NAME, you are consenting.
1. Consensual, in which you are free to leave at any time.
2. Detention/Seizure/Arrest, in which you are held by “an assertion of authority”, or by physical restraint, against your will.
In any detention/seizure/arrest the “Peace Officer” MUST have “probable cause” and/or a “reasonable suspicion” that you are committing, or are about to commit, a CRIME against a victim. The accuser bears the burden of proof to reasonably establish your CRIME.
In any detention/seizure/arrest the “Police Officer” MUST establish that you are “acting” in “joinder” to an artificial legal "person" NAME created by the State and controlled by statutes. The Officer bears the burden of establishing your freely given CONSENT.
A “Police Officer” who stops you in the course of your lawful business, without your consent, or “articulable probable cause”, is assailing you.
1. Identify your assailant, their motive and jurisdiction.
2. Require verification of a CRIME (no crime = no jurisdiction).
You have the Right not to be “arbitrarily” stopped, detained or arrested [by chance, whim, or impulse]. There must be an “articulable” and “reasonable suspicion” that you are involved in a CRIME against a VICTIM, and a WITNESS [can be a “Peace Officer”] with first-hand knowledge and evidence who is willing to write an affidavit under penalty of perjury and full commercial liability, making the accusation of the crime. You have the Right not to answer questions. You have the Right not to provide government issued ID. You have the Right to ASK QUESTIONS.
See Rebut the Presumption
To control people, the
Police rely on:
“Ignorance of the
Law is no excuse”